Given that there are approximately 200,000 construction workers in Ireland and only about 13,000 are actually contributing to the Fund, resources are quite limited, and the main areas of benefit are confined to; BEREAVEMENT, SERIOUS ILL HEALTH and FAMILY CRISIS.
In the case of bereavement, the Fund offers a grant towards the funeral cost of a building worker or a member of his/her immediate family.
Serious ill Health is any condition that precludes the applicant from working for an extended period, and family crisis is any circumstance that impacts heavily on the family’s financial resources. The Fund also assists with counselling for workers or their families.
Due to income limits, assistance takes the form of a once-off ex gratia payment, which is paid directly to applicants. The Fund does not have sufficient income to consider regular or on-going assistance and therefore cannot consider applications for top-ups to Job Seeker Allowance, Old age Pension or Disability Allowance.
To apply for assistance, please download an
application form here, and be sure to complete all relevant sections. Please also include funeral accounts, doctor’s letters or other documentation.
Trade Union members must return the form to their Union Branch office for verification, and non-Union members must bring photo I.D to any post office, Garda station or GP surgery, before returning the form directly to our office.